To contribute to the integration of people fleeing from their own country, Swico, Powercoders and twofold have joined forces to offer a single point of access to the Swiss IT job market. The platform connects refugees and migrants in Switzerland with IT companies offering qualified job openings or entry level programs and orientation.
About Swico
Swico is the trade association of the ICT and online industry, Swico unites 700 companies and digital start-ups. We cover the entire value chain and all sub-industries of digital business, including hardware, software, hosting, IT services, consulting, digital marketing and communication, as well as digitally oriented industries such as home electronics, photography, film and printing.
About Powercoders
Powercoders is a coding academy and ICT job integration program for refugees and migrants in Switzerland. We empower refugees and migrants on their way to job integration through training and job coaching. Additionally, we support companies who do not yet have the experience or the resources to make job integration of people with divers cultural backgrounds a success.
About twofold
twofold is an internationally active brand experience agency based in Zurich with around 60 specialists. We measurably increase the relevance and perception of brands such as IWC Schaffhausen, zumtobel and Rail Systems Engineering. With our in-house twofold asperger academy, we make an important contribution to society by training talented people with Asperger syndrome to become the specialists of tomorrow.